Coconut Sugar


Added Sugar
Coconut sugar is a natural sugar made from dehydrating coconut palm sap. It has a better nutrient profile (including beneficial fiber, vitamins, and minerals) and lower glycemic index than other refined sugars. As a result of its low glycemic index, coconut sugar does not spike blood sugar as much as table sugar.
Coconut Palm Sugar
Health Impact
Coconut nectar and coconut sugar are less refined and slightly more nutrient dense than table sugar. However they are still a sugar and should be consumed sparingly. It has a very low nutritional value but is noted as a better alternative to regular sugar, however, is still linked to high glycemic levels and poor dental health. Excessive added sugar intake is associated with adverse health conditions, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory diseases. Excessive sugar consumption may trigger neuroadaptations in the brain that decouple eating behavior from caloric needs and leads to compulsive overeating. The American Heart Association suggests an added-sugar limit of no more than 24 grams of sugar for most women and no more than 36 grams of sugar for most men each day.
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