Our Mission

Nov 6, 2020
At Trash Panda, we’re passionate about quality food. We’ve spent a lot of time studying the impact of food on health, and better understanding the kind of content and tools people need to make better choices while shopping.
Based on these learnings, our mission has come into focus, and with this clarity we have built a plan for an app we are confident and excited about.
So what’s our mission?
To deliver the transparency people deserve about what’s in their food, empowering them to shop with confidence and make healthier choices for themselves, their family, and their community.
As you join us on this journey, the specifics of our product and features may evolve, but our mission will not. This we know for sure:

Ingredients Matter

What we put into our bodies affects our ability to function on a daily basis, and thrive for years to come. Though there are countless diet trends, marketing messages, and claims to health out there; the truth about food quality will always start within the ingredients.

Nutrition is unique to an individual, quality is not

We’re not trying to sell you a diet — if you’re here, you probably know the food you eat is key to your health, whether you’re paleo, vegan, or anything in between. However, we do feel it’s important to note that when we say health, we’re not referring to weight. At Trash Panda, we’re about fueling your body to feel your best, however that looks to you.

Everyone has the right to healthy, high quality foods

Unfortunately this is not the state of the world we live in today, but we can enact change through the power of knowledge and voting with our dollars. Our goal is to create and expand a community of consumers who are informed and empowered to purchase better quality foods. Together, we will increase demand for quality products and make better options affordable and accessible to everyone.
We’re so glad you’re here, and we want to hear from you throughout this process. To join our community and get access to weekly shopping tips, product recommendations, and more — head on over here, or connect with us on Instagram.
Here’s to your health.
xx, The Trash Panda Team
Reading ingredients made easy. For quicker, healthier decisions.
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