New Features Alert

May 31, 2023
This week, we’re so happy to announce brand new ways to find YOUR good! What you've been asking for is finally here: personalize your Trash Panda experience by flagging ingredients based on dietary preferences. We're offering Gluten and Dairy as our first options. Also new to the app, by popular demand, Added Sugars is now its own category. We’re gonna break down all these new updates and how they work!

What We Now Flag

As part of the Trash Panda Membership, subscribed users are now able to customize which ingredients they want to be flagged based on personal preferences. Currently, you can decide to flag all ingredients that contain dairy and/or gluten. Our team uses the most up-to-date research in creating our ingredients library, and we made sure to do the same for flagging gluten and dairy ingredients.

Why We Flag

One of the most common requests we have gotten from the Trash Panda community is to add a feature based on dietary preference. As we expand and grow, we want to be the most useful tool we can be! While dairy and gluten ingredients may not be harmful for everyone, we want to give those who are affected the option to find their good.
Research suggests that approximately 6% of the U.S. population is gluten intolerant while about 36% have lactose malabsorption, or a reduced ability to digest lactose. With a quick scan, subscribed users can now safely and efficiently shop the grocery store.

How it Works

You will now see an additional category in the product page labeled “My Ingredients” which allows you to choose and flag your preferences. If an ingredient falls into multiple categories (i.e. dairy + potentially harmful), it will show in both categories! Find this page by heading to the "My Account" page, and selecting "My Ingredient Preferences"
This feature is only available for Trash Panda Premium Members. If you are looking to subscribe, the membership only costs $2.49/month and is billed annually ($29.99/year). You can learn more about the other features of the membership and how to subscribe here.

Added Sugar Category Update

Finally, we have also created a new separate category specifically for added sugars. It’s important to be aware of how much sugar we consume because consuming excess added sugars can lead to adverse health effects. Since added sugar can show up as over 60 different names, we have created the “Added Sugars” flag for increased transparency and the ability to read about these ingredients and decide for yourself.
These updates are available NOW! Get the latest version of the app to check it out. Thank you all for your continued support & helping us be the best we can. Happy scanning!
Reading ingredients made easy. For quicker, healthier decisions.
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