One Big Trash Panda Update

Sep 28, 2021
What started as a little idea has become a movement that we couldn’t be more excited about, and we want to say THANK YOU. So, for Trash Panda Tuesday this week, we’re giving you an update on what we’ve been up to behind the scenes and some changes you can expect in the near future.

App Downloads

We’ve seen an exponential growth in downloads this month. After hitting our goal of 5,000 app downloads a few days ago, we hardly had time to celebrate before receiving another 1,000 yesterday. Whether you’ve been with us since the spring or just downloaded the app, we are so thankful for your support and glad that we can be of service to you.

Our Mission

As more and more people are getting access to quality support through Trash Panda, we found it fitting to revisit our mission: ingredients matter. We believe food should be made out of food, not chemicals, and that transparency is key. We all have the right to know what’s in our food, and educating and empowering our users is our top priority.
We will never stop believing that food is core to our wellbeing, and everyone has the right to healthy, high-quality products. Whether you’re keto, vegan, or anything in between, quality food made with real ingredients is fundamental to any healthy lifestyle.

Thousands of New Products

You may have noticed recently that when you scan a product, it already exists in our database - and you’re getting those barcodes hits more frequently than before. We’ve been working to give you the best app experience possible and we couldn’t be more excited to report that this month we’ve added thousands of products to our database. Get scanning!

What's Next?

This is just the beginning of a long journey for Trash Panda. You can expect more app updates, more collaborations with your favorite brands, and maybe even something special by the end of this week (be sure to keep an eye on our Instagram for that 👀!)
We love Trash Panda and are so glad you do too. Thank you for the continued support as we continue to grow, update, and improve. Keep sharing Trash Panda with others who would love it!
The Trash Panda Team
Reading ingredients made easy. For quicker, healthier decisions.
Start Scanning (it's free)
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